Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Adrian Mother-Daughter Banqet

The Adrian Chapter of Women of Worth gathered together on Monday, May 4, for their annual Mother-Daughter Banquet. The evening was filled with a lot of activities. It was a time of reflecting back on the activities of past 9 months. We have been studying from the Emily C Barnes book, "Timeless Treasures" and have enjoyed sharing our 'treasures' with our sisters in Christ. During some of the meetings we have had times of sharing some of the momentous items that we treasure, such as a wedding Bible, a quilt, a hope-chest, family photos and many more items of interest. For the mother-daughter banquet, we had 60+ in attendance and the ladies outdid themselves. We had a wonderful time of fellowship, a delicious chicken dinner, lots of desserts and salads and everyone semed to have a lovely evening. The devotional was on the seasons of life and how each season is a treasure from God. It is always so refreshing to be reminded of the fact that God has a plan for each of our lives and it is God's plan that is the most important plan to follow. We learned that in the 'spring' of life, you don't possess many earthly treasures outside of your family. In the 'summer' of life, you are busy with college, new relationships, marriage, children, busy schedules but the God of the universe cares about every detail of your life and He will be there to help strengthen you. In the 'autumn' of life, you find yourself slowing down a bit, taking on the role of grandmother, mother-in-law, teacher, Sunday School teacher, church leader and role model. Don't let the busyness of life squeeze the joy right out of you and cause you to be bitter in your spirit but model your life after Christ. Let the sweetness of Jesus flow through you. In the 'winter' of life, we find that we are too weak to run marathons, We need for the younger ladies to come along side of us and be our 'light' in the lonely times of life. We can still have the light of Jesus reflecting from our lives. It is so important to be in the right relationship with Jesus Christ so we are not grumpy and cross with our caregivers and those who love us and come into contact with us. We honored two special ladies during this special evening. One was the Mother of the Year and that special lady was Esther Wentworth Hilling. What a treasure she is to our group of ladies! She is such an inspiration and is a beautiful example for us to follow. She is very busy as a mother of three beautiful children, wife to Chris Hilling, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, aunt, pastor's wife and friend! In anticipation of this special award, her mother, Sue Wentworth Webb, was asked to write Esther a letter, which would be read at the banquet. A few days before the banquet, Sue had a heart attack and was air-lifted to a hospital in Fort Wayne. This was a traumatic time for the family and we were wishing we had the 'letter'. A day or two before we would need the letter, Esther's step-dad, Dave Webb, found the letter that Sue had written, typed it out and sent it to us for our use. What a special letter that was! God was faithful in allowing Sue to recover from this experience and she is improving. The letter was so special to all in attendance and especially to Esther. Another lady in our group has shown such a gracious spirit during the time of Secret Sister exchanges. Jean Green Miller was honored with a beautiful basket of treasures for showing the love of Christ through some unfortunate circumstances in her life and we are very proud of her. She was well-deserving of this special honor. A photo area was established and the ladies enjoyed gathering for their pictures. It was fun to see the ladies taking pictures of each other and laughing together. We had a wonderful time of fellowship and look forward to the next season which will begin in September. Pictures will be posted here soon.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


The Women of Worth National Committee been wondering where the groups are located. We have recently found out that there are groups starting up that we didn't even know about and we are so excited! We have a page on the WOWIHC.COM website that list each chapter, their leader, contact information and the city and state where they are held. This page has not been updated recently and we would like to use the new blog to get this information rolling. There are lots of new changes and we are so excited about everything that is happening in the area of technology. So, if you could either add a comment to this blog, or e-mail the Women of Worth e-mail account, that would be great. You do not have to be a leader to contact us. I would rather hear from 25 ladies from the same group, indicating there is a group going than to have everyone thinking someone else is doing it and then no one contacts us. So, let's get started. I'll be the first on the list.

- Adrian, Michigan Chapter of Women of Worth, founded in 1995
- leader, Cheryl Watters
- 517-403-6383 or

It is that easy. Let's hear from you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We have arrived! Women of Worth now has their very own blog where you can share with each other your recipes, themes, suggestions, or how you handled various situations. The ideas are endless. Here is your opportunity to communicate with each other and have a great time of sharing.

Have you ever wished you could come up with a new theme for your group? Need a specific recipe? Need an idea for a speaker for your Mother-Daughter Banquet? Maybe you just need to share your excitement of what is happening in your Chapter. Whatever you want to blog about (in good taste, of course) we would be happy to hear from you!

Please share the website address with your 'sisters', e-mail it to your friends, add it to your blog as a link, so others can find it, put the 'address' in your church bulletin...The more activity we have on this blog, the more effective it will be.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the blog administrator, Cheryl Watters, by e-mailing her at or

ADRIAN Chapter News

The Adrian Chapter of Women of Worth met Monday evening, April 6, for a special time of sharing our "Treasures". Since September we have been working through the book, "Timeless Treasures: The Charm and Romance of Treasured Memories". Several ladies have shared their treasures with us and have spoke about everything from the treasures of the attic to how to be creative in keeping your memories and treasures as a vital part of your life.

This month was special as we had everyone bring in something that was a treasure to them and it was so interesting to see the various items. Some brought pictures from their childhood, Bibles that were given from their parents and grandparents and carried at their wedding, trinkets, articles of clothing, cards from their spouse that were received before they were married, etc. It was a very interesting evening.

The climax of the evening was when we had our 'Revealing of the Secret Sisters' at the end of our session. It is so interesting and there are lots of silly grins and outbursts of laughter when the ladies realize who they have been receiving gifts from. The interesting variety brings spice to these Secret Sister times.

Our last meet of this year (we break for summer) will be May 4, when we will have our annual Mother-Daughter Banqet. The ladies all look forward to this time. We have been encouraging the ladies to invite a friend or family member who may be lonely or need a bright moment in their life.

We trust you have had a great year with Women of Worth and would love to have you submit an article for this new blog. The more we share, the more interesting the blog will be.